Saturday, May 23, 2020
Sociology Lenski Essay - 724 Words
| Kirsten Stone Society-Lenski Essay Professor Carver 15 March 2013 Society-Lenski Essay How has human intelligence and curiosity influenced the development of technology throughout history? From the beginning of time, starting with the hunting and gathering societies, technology always existed. Granted it was a lot different than the technology created in the industrial time period and light-years away from the technology we have today. It is human nature to seek out ways to do things better, easier, faster, and that’s where curiosity is tied in. According to Gerhard and Jean Lenski, â€Å"societies change over time through the process of socio-cultural evolution, the effect on society as that society gains access to new tools and†¦show more content†¦There is huge jump from these feudal societies to industrial societies. All of a sudden there are assembly lines, steam engines, cotton gins, textiles, and 100,000 work units compared to 100 work units. There were lots of jobs in factories, where people worked in unsafe conditions for little pay. Children could work and get paid a lot less than adults. The union was developed to try get employees the rights they deserved, stop child labor, and gain some security in their jobs. Working in factories on an assembly line began to make workers de-skilled and replaceable. Productivity flew through the roof though with all the new machines and growing technology. In industrial societies, the five institutions started to change more drastically than in past societies. Family life became fragmented because there was less communication. The children went to school and the parents worked. Another thing that changed in the family was that people lived with their nuclear, or immediate family instead of being surrounded by family like in past societies. Education was no longer only for the elite who could afford it. Schools were formed and there was an organized system with teachers. There was a lot of confusion, or anomie, when it came to religion, because there was more dive rsity and arguments. The Catholic religion was being challenged by science and Protestants as well. The government went through some major changesShow MoreRelatedContemporary Theory: Stratification Essay examples1245 Words  | 5 Pagesof placing and motivating individuals in social structure[s]†(242). Through this, the basis of stratification arises from the fundamental works of the forefathers of sociology, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim each establishes a foundation as â€Å"almost all contemporary stratification theory and research in sociology traces itself back, in some fashion, to one of these three†(Bowles 2013). From this it can be seen how Marx, Weber, and Durkheims views on stratification vary fromRead MoreSocial Stratification1589 Words  | 7 Pagessource of disorder and coercion.†(Stanley 1998 : 227). The conflict theory is an acceptable way of understanding and explaining social stratification however on its own it doe s not adequately answer all the questions about stratification .In this essay, discussion will focus on how the conflict theory point of view can be applied in explaining stratification within society. It will further attempt to elucidate how other alternative theories such as functionalism and evolutionary theory explain theRead MoreWhy Does Gender Stratification Exist? Essay1049 Words  | 5 Pagesgender roles to be implemented in society which then reinforce and justify male dominance. Feminists believe that socialisation leads to gender inequalities as women are socialised into passive or subordinate roles and men into dominant ones. This essay will examine the views of functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism concerned with gender stratification to determine why this issue exists. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Article Review Leadership Vision, Organization Culture,...
Article Review: Leadership vision, organization culture, and support for innovation in not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. This article works on the premise that organizations must adopt a change philosophy including â€Å"transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational innovation†(Sarros, Cooper, Santora, 2011). This is an area which has had little attention, despite the assertion that these are important aspects required to create a change strategy. This article covers background research primarily pertaining to not-for-profit (NFP) organizations’ relationship to leadership and organizational culture, a set of six hypothesis regarding these relationships, a review of the method for conducting this study,†¦show more content†¦Although it has been asserted that this is an outdated model, there is also a strong claim that only those at the top have the means to create significant organizational transformation, so this view of leadership may not be as outmoded as it seems. By looking at both the defined components of leadership and mediating effect of tea m structure, individual empowerment, and participative management, we may be able to gain a clearer view of leadership within the NFP and for-profit (FP) sectors. Leadership and organizational culture Organizational culture refers to the interpreted meanings found in everyday interactions within an organization. There is significant difference between the cultures found in NFP and FP organizations. In NFPs, the servant leadership model is more prevalent, where FPs tend more towards a heroic leadership model. There are two systems used to model the relationship between leaders and culture, functionalist and anthropological. The functionalist view states that leaders build the organizational culture which supports change, where the anthropological view questions this ability. Since most reviewed evidence points toward the functionalist outlook, the study is approached from this viewpoint. In most situations, the type of leadership needed to instigate change culture is transformational leadership, which requires â€Å"top
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Smoking Free Essays
The human body is made up of all different organs that are essential to our living being. Taking care of these organs is vital to maintaining our health. One of our most important organs is the lungs. We will write a custom essay sample on Smoking or any similar topic only for you Order Now The lungs are used to take in oxygen from the air and help us make blood cells in the body. Keeping the lungs healthy is necessary to keeping your breathing and blood healthy. There are many things that keep us from having healthy lungs, such as toxic fumes, gar smoke, and the most common, cigarette smoke.Smoking cigarettes doesn’t only affect the person who smokes but also the people around them. I believe that smoking should be banned from the United States. Even though this is a very unacceptable issue to the majority of the country, there have been smoking bans that were implemented in early years to insure the safety of the people in businesses, and restaurant environments. Even though smoking has been banned in these facilities, we should expand these laws and make cigarettes banned all over the country. When smoking bans are put to use, less people will die from the toxin that seeps throughout the cigarette.Cigarettes should not be imported nor distributed in the U. S. A. Smoking is an expensive habit and it should be banned. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit outweigh the positive. It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies. Cigarettes are also addictive because of the nicotine they contain. Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems which are expensive to treat. It is a major cause of respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis. It also leads to heart disease.In spite of the money in which the government receives from taxing cigarettes, the cost of medical treatment for these diseases is much more than their tax income. As a consequence, non-smoking taxpayers are paying for the health costs of smokers. This is a very unfair situation. Another reason for banning cigarettes is that cigarette smoke affects the health of non-smokers and unborn babies. Non-smokers soften suffer from eye and nose irritations, allergies and headaches as a result of inhaling second-hand smoke. There is also evidence to suggest that passive smoking may cause lung cancer.Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the fetus and may even result in death. Finally, the nicotine which is found in cigarettes is highly addictive. Other addictive substances such as cocaine and heroin are illegal. The fact that tobacco remains legal is very irrational. To some people smoking can be a matter of relieving stress. To many it may seem harmless but most people do not know that it is addicting and that it kills. Cigarettes carry all sorts of harmful ingredients that make it poisonous for both the user and those around them.Smoking is dangerous because it has the ability to deliver large doses of nicotine into the lungs, from which blood carries to the brain. This means that you are subjected to get cancer, lung disease, and even mood swings, depending if you have not smoked a cigarette in some time. Smoking is international, and many people say that they smoke just to do it. Smoking can cause second hand smoke, which is more dangerous than smoking in the first place. Second hand smoke is serious because it causes cancerous cells, which multiply throughout the body. Since your inhaling the fumes of the cigarettes, it makes it easier to travel down to your lungs.Since smoking bans have been implemented in restaurants, the government has made it safer for society not to get second hand smoke. The banning of smoking has indeed decreased the use of smoking cigarettes especially around other, but that is not enough. Smoking does not only hurt people it hurts the environment also. Because the toxic fumes go into the air, it spreads through the wind, therefore spreading all over the world. Even though cigarettes have nicotine in it, it also has acids, and other harmful containing toxins that are polluted into the air.We should expand the ban nationally so that instead of a decrease of the use of cigarettes, there will not be any cigarettes to begin with. Smoking bans were put in the legislature for a reason and that reason was to keep us away from toxin harms. Banning also has caused many businesses in the country to close down and has upset customers. Since the act of banning smoking in public places was put into action, people try to bend the laws. Many smokers say that it is their right to smoke. While that may be true, it is not their right to kill others through second hand smoke. The state of Connecticut has put smoking bans in the legislature, but it has affected an Indian casino company that has been in business for many years. Even though the casino has non-smoking sections and has installed air-handling system to allow the fumes of the cigarettes to be lessened. The company has made all the precautions but the state still made them ban smoking on the premises. Banning does not make people completely stop; it actually has made people smoke more and become more violent. I feel the reason to that is because they are so used to smoking that it comes as second nature to them, it becomes a need necessary for their life.People in society feel that banning has done more harm than good, but they don’t see the precaution levels the government is trying to do. Smoking could kill 1 billion people in this century because countries are not doing enough to combat the deadly epidemic. By banning cigarettes we are supportive of the reduction of getting a disease or losing a loved one because of smoking. Although cigarettes are bad for your health, they can be beneficial, if used properly. The main benefits of smoking cigarettes are that it helps the body deal with anxiety, stress, and depression. The way you breathe when you smoke helps your body relax and calm down.For people who have panic attacks or stress problems, doctors recommend patients practice a sort of breathing called relaxation breathing. Relaxation breathing involves taking a deep breath into the lungs and holding it in for a second or two before exhaling. This is exactly like the act of smoking. This kind of breathing slows your heart rate and relieves tension in your muscles, especially your neck and upper back, which tense up in stressful situations. Thought this benefit from smoking is very good for people who are overly stressed, the nicotine in the cigarettes makes them addicted to it.So although they maybe stress free, they are digging themselves and early grave for their lungs. Smoking bans can have its pros and cons but in the long run the banning of cigarettes can be used to ensure a dramatic decrease in deaths and diseases that are caused by cigarettes and its toxins. Deaths have increased since smoking has started and needs to stop. If the use of cigarettes continues in the U. S, I feel that it would put a risk on our future generations and future leaders. The U. S. has banned smoking in many public places, but we should expand that to banning cigarettes overall to promote better health and stability in our country. How to cite Smoking, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Impressive Essay Human Happiness In CPM And HRM Assignment Solution
Question: Discuss about theHuman Happiness in CPM and HRM. Answer: Introduction The assignment addresses the utilitarian theory to analyze the principles of ethics and understand the basics of contemporary people management (CPM) and human resource management (HRM). The author describes the two theoretical concepts based on humanity and CPM/HRM. It also analyzes the contribution of CPM and HRM on society, organizations and human beings and its impact on the ethics. The primary aim is to analyze the ethics of contemporary people management and human resource management. Human resource management is the management of human resources in an organization. The aim of the human resource manager in an organization is to maximize the performance of employees in accordance to the strategic objectives of an organization (Kramar, 2014). Contemporary people management is the management of group of people in an organization. Contemporary people management is the subset of human resource management. Both the human resource management and contemporary people management face som e ethical issues that are related to employees, remuneration, benefits, reward and recognition and health and safety. The assignment discusses the relationship between happiness principle, utilitarianism and HRM/CPM. Utilitarianism is a theory that is related to the actions that maximizes the utility (Kramar De Cieri, 2008). Body Utilitarianism and the Happiness principle The basic principle of Utilitarianism is to promote happiness. A action is said to proportionate and appropriate if its promotes happiness while it is said to wrong if reverse happens. Utilitarianism is a theory that aims at maximizing the utility or the benefit of the human beings. John Stuart and Jeremy Bentham developed the theory in 18th to 19th century. The main motive of the theory is to promote happiness not just for the performer but the other actors as well. The Utilitarianism theory is opposed to much ethical theory because according to this the main aim of people is to maximize utility (Hollander, 2016). Hence, the people can perform such actions that maximize utility even if it is done from the wrong motive. Utility is defined in various ways but the most common way to define utility is in terms of well being of either human beings or the organizations. The action that the individuals perform that creates happiness does not include suffering and pain. The theory as furthe r extended that not only measured utility by defining it in quantitative terms but also qualitative terms. The judgment on the actions depends on the effects of the actions and not its performance (Paul, 2013). The purpose of the morality according to utility theory is to increase the amount of good things and decrease the amount of bad things. Good things here refer to happiness and pleasure while bad things refer to pain and unhappiness. The theory does not consider the ethics and moral code but is based on religion, traditions, customs and orders. The theory is based on the consequences and results. Good, bad, right and wrong is determined on the basis if effects and consequences of laws, moral conduct, actions and policies perceived by an individual or the organization. The entire theory is based on just one principle that is performing the actions that produces the best consequences. The Utilitarianism is based on the greatest Happiness principle. The actions is considered to be moral if they promote happiness and maximizes utility or well being and is considered immoral if they promote reverse. It is not necessary for the actions to be ethical or unethical unless and until it yields right consequences. The happiness principle is considered as good in general but has many flaws, as it does not comply with the ethical system. The greatest happiness principle theory does not consider the third party that is being affected (Riley, 2013). The aim is to maximize self-welfare and happiness even though it is affecting others in a negative way. The happiness principle does not consider the future while measuring morality and happiness. The happiness principle does not consider law formulated by government. Hence, though the happiness principle and utilitar ianism is considered as one of the best moral theory and influential theory it has many flaws and controversies, as the theory does not comply with ethics and issues (Veenhoven, 2014). HRM / CPM Human Resource Management is the management of the human resources in an organization. It is the management of people within an organization. The responsibility of human resource manager is to manage employees and the work in an organization. The responsibility of human resource manger is divided in three components that are staffing, employee compensation and benefit and designing work. The main role of human resource manager is to improve the productivity of the organization by managing the employees. The responsibilities of human resource manager in an organization are to select and recruit employees for the right job at right time and place (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). It also includes providing training and development to employees to improve their performance, provide compensation and benefits to maximize their welfare, evaluate the performance of employees and provide rewards based on the performance of employees. The human resource manager is responsible for managing the querie s of employees and resolving the disputes by properly communicating the employees. Human resources is an important part often organization (Aswathappa, 2013). They are considered as an asset for the company who is responsible for managing employees so that they are able to improve the performance by recognizing their performance and providing proper training and development. Contemporary people management is the management of group of people in an organization. CPM is an extended function of HRM where the main aim is to improve the communication skills in an organization by managing the people. CPM is the management of new HR practices and potential to add value to the organization. The idea addresses the management of people in an organization by managing the contemporary issues and problems that the managers and employees in an organization face. The human resource manager has the responsibility of maintaining ethics and humanity in an organization by abiding the ethical principles and maintaining the moral conduct. The human resource manager to the employees communicates the strategies and the objectives of the organization (Evertson Weinstein, 2013). Relationship Between Utilitarianism and HRM/CPM Ethics and utilitarianism has a great impact on the human resource and contemporary people management. The ethical theory and the utility theory in context of Human resource management relates to the consequences, outcomes or ends of an employee in an organization. The aim of the human resource manager is to maximize the profit of an organization and achieve the goals and targets of the firm by utilizing the strategies that maximizes the welfare of both the employees and the organization. The aim of the manager in an organization is to maximize the utility and benefit in an organization (Costea et al., 2012). The rules for the workers in an organization are based on the utility. This often causes stress and anxiety for employees as the utility is different in terms of managerial perspective and employee perspective. Different human resources managers approach the ethical principles in different ways. The aim and responsibility of the manager is to maximize the happiness of employees so that they are able to achieve the target of the organization. It indirectly focuses on maximizing the welfare of the entire organization. Business ethics is the principles that define moral code of conduct that define the actions that are right and wrong in an organization. The role of human resource manager is to ensure that they are able to main ethics in an organization by maintaining quality and justice between the employees and managers (Hall et al., 2012). The utilitarianism theory includes both the soft and hard human resource management ethics in its ethical principle concept. Hard human resource management is using the employees juts to satisfy the needs of the organization and meet the organizational goals. Soft Human resource management considers employees as a subject in themselves. The human resource manager manages the rights of employees, participation and empowerment. It focuses on managing the employees rights and also the organizational goals (Bolton Houlihan, 2007). Conclusion Hence, from the above analysis it is clear that the main aim of the utilitarianism theory is to promote happiness and pleasure by taking up the right action. The actions that promote happiness and pleasure are considered, as right actions while reverse are true in case of wrong actions. Human resource manager aims at fulfilling the goals of the organization by effectively managing the employees. The responsibility of the HRM is to maintain ethics at organization. The HRM can contribute to the happiness of employees by recognizing their performance and rewarding them accordingly. The aim of employees is to maximize its welfare by maximizing its income while the aim of the managers is to maximize the profit. The human resource manager can maximize the benefit and welfare of both the employees and managers in an organization. The utilitarian theory accepts both the soft and hard HRM practices while considering the ethical principles. The flaws of the utilitarian principle and theory are that it does not consider various ethical principles in its concept. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Aswathappa, K. (2013).Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Bolton, S. C., Houlihan, M. (Eds.). (2007).Searching for the human in human resource management: Theory, practice and workplace contexts. Palgrave Macmillan. Costea, B., Amiridis, K., Crump, N. (2012). Graduate employability and the principle of potentiality: An aspect of the ethics of HRM.Journal of business ethics,111(1), 25-36. Evertson, C. M., Weinstein, C. S. (Eds.). (2013).Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues. Routledge. Hall, D., Pilbeam, S., Corbridge, M. (Eds.). (2012).Contemporary themes in strategic people management: a case-based approach. Palgrave Macmillan. Hollander, S. (2016). Ethical Utilitarianism and The Theory of Moral Sentiments: Adam Smith in Relation to Hume and Bentham.Eastern Economic Journal,42(4), 557-580. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(8), 1069-1089. Kramar, R., De Cieri, H. (2008). Human resource management in Australia: strategy people performance. Paul, B. (2013). A critical analysis of mills utilitarianism.Docs. school Publications. Riley, J. (2013). Greatest Happiness Principle.The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Veenhoven, R. (2014). Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number. InEncyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research(pp. 2612-2613). Springer Netherlands.
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