Saturday, August 31, 2019
My Son Changed My Life Essay
Before my son had arrived, I was in complete shambles. My life was spiraling down a one way tube into darkness. I had become everything that I had only wished I wouldnt. I was known as nothing better then â€Å"white trash†. I thought that I had it all. I was only 17 and I was free. I left home to be with my ex- boyfriend, and I was free! No rules, No boundaries, just freedom. I thought life couldnt get any better. Although, as time went on I realized how much I missed my family, and how things were starting to turn sour in my relationship. We had no money. For weeks, we had nothing. We were living off of our friends who were gracious enough to take us in. I started doing drugs, and drinking every chance I got. I stole items to pawn them for money. Most of the money went twords food, drugs, or alcohol. I was lucky I was underage when I pawned stuff becasue word had gotten around to the cops that it was stolen, and every person who did it was thrown in jail. Thankfully, I was only put on probation for 6 months. Things started to look up for a little when my ex and I moved back in with his parents. It was a hell hole, but it was a place to stay without living off other people. We started to hang out with friends every night, driving around the town, drinking, starting fights, just waiting to get in trouble. We didnt realize it at first, but the person we were driving around with was what most would call â€Å"bi-polar†. It only took one night to realize it, and that would be the end of that. We were driving around with this friend when she had gotten so mad at this person, that she circled the block, and tried to hit him with her car. Thankfully we were on the same block as my ex’s parents, so we called it a night. I was worried that I pregnant in the begining of December, but I didnt take a pregnancy test until 4 days before christmas. I can remember it just like it was yesterday too, I was sitting in a local resturaunt with my friend and I had went into the bathroom to take the test. I remember screaming for my friend to come in, and she couldnt beleive it. I took a second test to be 100% sure, and in deed I was pregnant. We didnt tell family until Christmas Day. Most of my family was happy for me, but some of them were a little doubtful that I would stop the nonsense I had gotten myself into. And indeed I did. I moved back home with my parents, and I started my life all over again. I was a brand new person, and in less then 8 months, my life was going to change even more. On August 9, 2006 my son was born. He was the most beautiful baby boy I had even layed eyes on. He was so special, and he had to be sent from heaven. I had moved in with his father in March and we were doing really well. My son had only brought us closer together, and he was our pride and joy. He still is til this day. My son changed my life in many ways. Before he was even here he had changed my life. I realized that I had to grow up and be a better person. I wasnt just going to be taking care of myself, but a baby too. I had be responsible. I had to be the best mother I could possibly be. After he arrived, I realized that I wouldnt have to sit around and think about alcohol or drugs, and wish to do them. My son kept me occupied enough for me to understand that there was more to life then drugs and alcohol, that there was more to it then having freedom. It wasnt about me anymore, It was about my family, and I would do anything for them. My son was my lifesaver. I tell him everyday that he is an angel. I just hope that when he’s old enough, he’ll understand exactly why he is my angel. He turned my life upside down, which in reality, had turned me back to the person I was supposed to be.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Morality and Sister Essay
Apr 27, 2009 – It is a ve ry moving story and when I read the book I cried my eyes out. If you have not yet read the book, do yourself a favor and do so. Some issues I †¦ What is the major bioethical issue in my sisters keeper †¦4 answers19 Apr 2012 Parents: Who else has seen the movie â€Å"my sisters keeper †¦3 answers19 Sep 2011 My Sister’s Keeper! Moral Issues? – Yahoo Answers3 answers17 Aug 2011 What was a social issue , in the movie â€Å"My Sister †¦2 answers29 Mar 2011 More results from CNS Movie Review: My Sister’s Keeper‎ NEW YORK (CNS)  The moral issues of â€Å"My Sister’s Keeper†(New Line) are laid out for us even before the opening credits have finished rolling. Narrator †¦ My Sister’s Keeper (Review of the Film, a tothesource article †¦‎ Jul 9, 2009 – The film â€Å"My Sister’s Keeper†depicts the confusion and suffering that †¦ The Island, My Sister’s Keeper takes on a real-life issue commonly known as â€Å"savior sibling. †¦ Technology, apart from any ethical or moral compass, has †¦ Ethical Issues On My Sister s Keeper Movie Free Essays 1 – 20 †º †¦ †º Literature Study Guides †º My Sister’s Keeper‎ In 2004, Picoult published My Sister’s Keeper. Like most of her works, the novel takes on a range of morally complex issues, from the ethics of genetic †¦ My Sister’s Keeper Health, Social, Ethical and Moral Issues.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
International Legal and Ethical Issues Essay
A biotechnology company based in Candore called Gentura is contemplating entering into a partnership with a pharmaceutical company based in Florida called CadMex. Candore is a small dictatorship country. Gentura started their company by manufacturing enzymes and has grown into a biotechnology company with a focus on biopharmaceutical products. ProPez is an innovative anti-diabetes agent recently developed by Gentura. The company believes ProPez’s marketing potential will be massive. Because Gentura has no marketing or manufacturing resources, they began discussing a possible partnership with CadMex. Resolving Legal Disputes in International Transactions The choice of law determines the applicable jurisdiction if a dispute should arise between the two contracting parties. The companies have an option of litigation or using an alternative dispute resolution (ADRs). Mediation or arbitration is preferable over litigation because the costs are much lower and less time consuming. CadMex and Gentura decided international commercial arbitration would be their best route. The two parties will design a written agreement as a guide for the arbitrator to follow and know what his or her powers will consist of. An arbitrator from a neutral country will enhance the fairness of the decision. He or she has the same powers as courts do but may ask for assistance from the court in some instances. Considerations of Taking Legal Action Against a Foreign Business Partner When negotiating contracts one must consider the choices of law clauses. CadMex selected the Candore Regulations for Technology Import Contract with will benefit CadMex in that Candore will most likely enforce their own regulations. More considerations should be addressed, such as policies of the foreign government, cultural differences, and employees. These will greatly affect the way businesses conduct themselves in different countries. Sublicensing Agreements Sublicensing probably will work well for CadMex, but there are more factors to consider, such as the length and extreme costs for complying with the standards of production after sublicensing. This will keep CadMex’s goodwill and meet the requirements of control for Candore. CadMex would prefer a generic brand, but the Candorean authorities would probability reject it because of the low cost of generics. Which Customs Should Prevail if Conflicts Prevails Abroad There is a conflict with the different laws when mediation or arbitration break down, companies break contracts, or conflict intensifies. [Insert comma here to set off the adjective phrase beginning with â€Å"according to†(unless it is a dependent phrase)] According to the principles of federal supremacy the United States Constitution and treaties rule supreme and take precedence over local laws and customs. Comparing Issues in Simulation to Issues Discussed in Week One Readings These issues compare to procedural law because laws provide a framework and makes rules for seeking existing rights. International companies could also use common law with the courts making the laws based on past cases that have facts that may be similar. Domestic and international companies should resolve disputes fairly. This means to take both sides into account and judgment should be free from any form of bias.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Promoting Utilitarianism or an Alternative Marketing Strategy Essay
Promoting Utilitarianism or an Alternative Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Subscription to utilitarian views promotes ethical behavior and thus, a positive change in attitude. Organizations exploit this knowledge and modify their business models and practices in order to provide services that add value and immense benefits to the consumers and society, thus presenting business venture as social services. To further appeal to the emotions of the public, business organizations of all manners are embarking on avenues to showcase their firms and products as offering the uttermost benefits to the society and individual consumers. The purpose of this paper is to look into existing literature on corporate social responsibility and find whether it is done for promoting the greater good of the society or is used as an alternative marketing strategy. In this paper we will be discussing existing literature in great detail on the subject of corporate social responsibility. ... The main research question author has tried to address in the paper is that what can be the social responsibilities of a businessman. In his book the author asks, â€Å"To what extent do the interest of business in the long run merge with the interest of society†(Bowmen, 1953, p.5). The first theoretical definition of corporate social responsibility was given in this book as, â€Å"It refers to the obligations of businessmen to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society†(p, 6). The author has taken a subjectivist approach by identifying a definition of the concept. This definition is not based on any empirical evidence which depicts the subjectivist approach of the author. The author has also identified in the book the limitations of his work. He calls for future research on the subject. The author seems to have answered the research question he posed in th e beginning of the book. Also this book was the first work on the subject therefore it is considered seminal. Can business afford to ignore Social Responsibilities? Another theory paper by Davis (1960) is considered a seminal work on the subject of corporate social responsibility. The main research question that author has attempted to answer is that why businessmen have a responsibility towards society. The author has answered this question theoretically without relying on any first hand quantitative or qualitative research. The author has used power-responsibility relationship to answer the research question. The author also talks about non economic values and its impact on social responsibility (p. 74). This again is a subjectivist research where
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Final proof for doc sum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final proof for doc sum - Essay Example express God’s essential nature.1 This doctrinal summary is a brief overview of the doctrine of the Trinity; God’s nature, perfections, and attributes; and, God’s Decree. The doctrine of the Trinity can be described as, God existing in one essence, with three persons or members of the same substance. At the same time, there is no division of the substance; each member is identical in deity and substance. The Triune God of the Bible exists in one essence with three distinct members of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Godhead is the same in substance; however, throughout dispensational periods of the Bible, specific distinctions of members of the Godhead were seen to accomplish God’s will. Christian doctrine of the Trinity did not emerge from the philosophical speculation about God.2 Simple logic and reasoning play no role in the Trinity doctrine. Scriptures in the Bible teach the Trinity implicitly. This summary will show a brief overview of monotheistic elements in Trinitarian belief. Furthermore, Scriptures referring to the three members of the Godhead, as well as their individual distinctions will be discussed. Monotheism or unity is the foundation of the trinity doctrine. Deuteronomy 6:4, â€Å"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one†known as the ‘shema’ thereby rules out any belief in polytheism, because during this time many worshiped multiple so called Gods. However, in the New Testament, we see evidence of the three members implicitly in Scripture: (1 Peter 1:2), â€Å"who have chosen according to the foreknowledge of the Father, through the Sanctifying work of the Spirit, for the obedience to Jesus Christ and the sprinkling by his blood.†3 This particular Scripture shows the three members of the Godhead. The Trinity is a perfect union, with balance of authority and love without imperfections. We will now investigate some of God’s attributes/ perfections. Understanding the basic concept of the Trinity
Marine Wildlife Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marine Wildlife - Assignment Example The impact marine preys like fur seals have on their target prey and more especially their resultant interaction with other fisheries has been a subject of continuous study and research interest. The wide array of species and species groups within the marine ecosystem has further expounded this area of research (Wilke & Kenyon, 1954). Various researches have calculated the overall prey requirements of predators including the seabirds, seals as well as whales and such studies avail regional food assessment necessary for maintenance of the respective species population (Perez & Mooney, 1984). In a world where many animals are faced with the possibility of extinction, such research are crucial and can go a long way in helping preserve the threatened population species. The studies have also facilitated and engaged in examination of food web interactions strengths. Additionally, such studies help in understanding the biogeochemical carbon cycling processes (Perez & Bigg, 1981; Townsend, 1899). According to Kajimura (1980, P. 46) fur seals are most commonly found in the areas lying within 74 to 130 km off the land and are frequently in large numbers along the continental shelf as well as slope in areas where pelagic schooling fishes and also squids are generally found in abundance. The study also reported that the fur seals and most regularly found in waters whose temperatures range from 8Â °C to 14Â °C. At sea, the fur seals feed on a range of fish species. The relative proportion of individual prey species included in the fur seals' diet often varies by months (Kajimura 1982; Perez and Bigg 1984). This is as a result of the apparent changes in their scavenging locations, and also the seasonal movements, prey abundance, as well as availability (Lander & Kajimura, 1982). Generally, the fur seals' vary their diets during winter and spring to correspond to the prevailing conditions. Previous researches estimate that the fur seals often consume preys whose respective lengths are 10 to 30 cm, although there are instances where much longer preys are consumed although such must be broken down before consumption (Townsend, 1899, p. 241). This study investigates the average length as well as biomass content of some of the species most fed on by the fur seals. Methods The first step involves measurement of otoliths and beaks of the seals. This is based on the fact that the otoliths are susceptible to degradation and size reduction as they move via the seal’s digestive tract as a result of prey size underestimation. As a result, only the otoliths that reveal little erosion evidence are used to obtain the estimates of fish sizes. Each otolith is rated on scale of 1-5 as per their erosion levels whereby 1 is considered identifiable although substantially eroded while 5 is considered primeval. As an inclusion criterion, only otoliths whose ratings lie above 3 will be measured. Measurement of the otolith leg length is done between its anterior and posterior margins. The measurement is done in mmm with the help of a dissecting microscope and making use of eye-piece graticules. In order to avoid obtaining of size estimates from the same fish, the measurements taken are only for the otoliths of the sides that possess the highest number of intact otoliths of each sample specie. Biasing the cephalopods estimate of sizes is also a key concern to this research. To avoid it, only the cephalopod beaks that are unbroken will be
Monday, August 26, 2019
Form food safety enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Form food safety enforcement - Essay Example However, the basic purpose of this paper is to evaluate the successful outcome or otherwise in the cessation of the outbreak, identification of what went wrong and the measures needed to prevent a recurrence. Food poisoning is defined under the Food Safety Act as 'any disease of an infectious or toxic nature caused by or thought to be caused by the consumption of food or water' (HPA) 2004 (Management of outbreak of foodborne illness in England and Wales). Food safety laws in the United Kingdom center on protecting the consumer by ensuring that food is safe for consumption. Many provisions of the law focus on prevention rather than cure. Food business operators (FBOs) must show that they have adopted hygienic practices at their premises. The risks associated with food processing and preparation must be assessed by the FBOs, the food industry and the food laws enforcers. The degrees of protection are achieved through enforcement of specific provisions and through a framework that seeks to minimize the risk of unsafe food being present in the market. Any breach in the provisions of law results in criminal action. The law and its enforcement are governed by European and domestic laws. Actually, the provisions of law comprise broad principles and they are carried forward in more detailed forms by secondary legislation in domestic law. This process may change the fundamental principles upon which national legislation is based (Professor Bridget M. Hutter and Tola Amodu). There are many organizations in the United Kingdom involved in food regulations such as National Health Service, Local Health Boards, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, and so on based locally, and at the national level. The ministers and central government officials formulate policy and tend not to be specialists in food safety protection. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is an independent Government department with special knowledge in the domain. The FSA formulates policy whilst overseeing and directing the enforcement activity of local players. The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive agency of the FSA and responsible for statutory inspections of licensed premises including slaughterhouses, cutting plants and cold storages in the United Kingdom producing meat for human consumption (Background to the 2006 food hygiene legislation). Self regulation
Sunday, August 25, 2019
United Nations AIDS Conference Simulation Essay
United Nations AIDS Conference Simulation - Essay Example This simulation activity involved the United Nations General Assemblies. According to Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey (2010), the General Assembly is the deliberative faction of the United Nations and is made up of the United Nations member states each with a vote. The United Nations AIDS Committee is responsible for proposing and negotiating global resolutions in the fight against the HIV and AIDS epidemic (Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey, 2010). Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey further explain that these resolutions are then forwarded to the general assembly for a final vote (2010). Students were assigned different roles either as state delegates or non state delegates. The name of the committee was the United Nations General Assembly. The sponsor was the United Nations AIDS Committee who authored this resolution. Pre ambulatory phrases were used to state the issues that the Committee was to discuss and resolve. These statements stated the reasons for the Committee to resolve the issues. The issues discussed during the simulation included the reaffirmation of those resolutions that the United Nations General Assembly had developed in the previous assembly. The current and continual damage caused by the epidemic was identified. It was identified that there was need for the committee to restructure the techniques that were currently being used to combat the epidemic. The committee having realized the importance of nation states inputs on AIDS resolution efforts welcomed their ideas.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
E marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
E marketing - Assignment Example eting is used for sending email messages in order to the relationship of a merchant both with its previous and current customers in order to repeat business and encourage customer loyalty. E-marketing can also be used to send email messages in order to convince current customers or acquire new customers to purchase products or services of the business immediately. A merchant may also use email messages to add advertisements that are sent to their customers by other companies. This paper seeks to discuss the concept of e-marketing (Doyle and Stern, 2006). E-Marketing harmonizes the overall strategy of marketing perfectly, and provides advertising campaign with proven results that are measurable, which can take the company’s current marketing campaign to a higher level. For example, where e-marketing involves product promotion, query responses, event invitations, and newsletters, an all in one solution is provided by emails (Doyle and Stern, 2006). E-Marketing provides an easily customized and efficient form of marketing to advertising organizations and other businesses that complements their current strategies of advertisement and close in on the interactive and profitable market. In addition, e-marketing is beneficial to such organizations and other businesses because it allows them to target particular group of recipients and reach out to an engaged and defined audience. E-marketing also penetrates and overcomes any geographical parameters that may be a constraint to the other methods of communication. Efficiency is high in e-marketing. This is because the messages can be sent and distributed to many recipients by just one click. E-marketing is also cost effective and requires minimal investment in order to have an appropriate system set up to function. In addition, e-marketing is fast and the commercial messages are delivered to the inboxes of the recipients straight away and instantly (Tapp, 2005). E-marketing can be regarded as a form of e-commerce since
Friday, August 23, 2019
1.What is a false reject rate What is a false accept rate How are they Essay
1.What is a false reject rate What is a false accept rate How are they related to the crossover error rate - Essay Example This occurs when a biometric template does not tally with the person. They become unidentified or unverified by the system. This, in a working environment, can cause unnecessary frustration on the staff, logjams, thus reducing productivity (Jain, 1999). False Accept Rate also known as Type II error or False Match Rate (Jain, 1999). It is the degree of probability that the biometric system will incorrectly accept input pattern of the unauthorized persons to the non-matching template, thus, being identified by the system. Cross Error Rate, also known as the Equal Error Rate (EER), is the point at which the False Reject Rate and the False Accept Rate are equal (Jain, 1999). When the identifying device gets to be more sensitive and accurate, the false accept rate (FAR) goes down, and the false reject rate (FRR) goes up, hence, the intersection
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sports in school are very important Essay Example for Free
Sports in school are very important Essay IN SCHOOL SPORTS Sports in school are very important. Sports effect schoolwork and homework greatly. Sports can have a negative affects on your schoolwork. Sports also help you meet new friends and can increase self-confidence. You also tend to stay out of trouble when you are on sports. Sports also bring a lot to the community. Sports can affect your schoolwork greatly. It can affect your grades in two ways, good or bad. Most schools like Rocky Point have a program where if you are failing your classes you will have to go to an intervention program after school for an hour. You will have to do this everyday before your practice. If you do well in school though you may be able to get a scholarship to a nice college. Being on sports can make a good impression on colleges. If you are on sports in college it will look good on your resume when you look for a job. The reason why they look for these types of things is because they? ll see that you know what team work is and will be good at working with other people and provide leadership. Sports can also affect your schoolwork negatively. If your not careful, sports can hurt your academic performance. Not worrying about school, but worrying about the game the next day will hurt your attitude towards school negatively. Effective time management will help balance sports and class work. When you are on sports you should always put schoolwork in front of everything else. Being able to do this takes discipline, but will pay off in the long run. Managing your time can start from going to extra help in the morning to studying an extra hour every night. This will be good when you are trying to do a sport and schoolwork together at once. Many students are unable to do this. People that do not use the time management methods usually suffer and do badly in school. If you are doing poor in school you should think about giving up a sport for a season. Another positive aspect of sports is the new friend? s that you may meet. The people that you meet can be some of the best friends you will ever meet since you share a common interest. Sometimes this is more then just an interest. For many athletes, their sport is a passion. This is why teammates stick together like brothers. Teammates usually don? t get into the negative things such as Drugs, alcohol, and other things that may harm you or get you into trouble. Most of the friends you meet in sports will most likely enjoy the same things that you like. If you join sports when you are younger you will find that you will succeed in that sport more when you are older. If I could go back, I would like to have joined lacrosse in third or fourth grade rather then 7th grade. Kids that developed there skills when they were younger, turn out to be much more successful in their sport. Another important factor in sports is conduct. Good sportsmanship is very important. Most schools have no tolerance with un-sportsman like conduct. People that misbehave in sports on the field or rink most likely are not good at what they do and are frustrated. A lot of the time you see the parents of the athletes flip out more then anyone else. These parents make a bad name for sports and set a poor example. They put down the kids more then they encourage them. Some times the coaches also are a bad influence on the athletes. The coaches can be some of the worst tempered people out on the field. In most cases when a coach loses his cool the referee ejects him or her out of the game. When a coach gets thrown out of the game the team suffers. The team can suffer from not getting the right guidance to finish the game. The athletes often look up to the coach as a moral example in their lives. Bad behavior from the coach can have a long-term negative effect on an athlete. Another very important element in a good team is the team? s nutrition. Proper nutrition can make or break a team. If a team is well fit and ready to go, they will soar past their opponents. Teams with good nutrition are more physically fit and will last longer in a game. There are many ways to have a good nutrition. Most ways are simply just drinking water everyday instead of soda, or other fatty beverages. Another way is eating the right foods and getting a balanced diet. Along with nutrition, training is a very important aspect of sports. In order to get good at some thing you must train or practice. Training is very important because you are prepping your body for the obstacles your sport will throw at you. Physical fitness training will give you the endurance that may be needed to edge away from your opponents and win the game. Before training and practice in your sport, you should always remain active all year. Keeping active can be the difference from making the team or not making the team. Doing intermerials during the off-season can also be a very good thing to keep in mind. Coaches look out for kids that show that they want to make their team and are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to do these extra activities for their sports. Most coaches also like to see their athletes participating in things that help out in the community. There are many perspectives of sports in society today. A lot of the perspectives of sports are good but there are some who do not believe that school should spend so much money on sports and not enough on academics. But there are also people who see all the work and effort that the athletes and coaches put into their sports. Sexual discrimination in school sports has been an issue that has been brought up since the 1960? s. This can be attributed, in part, to the sexual revolution and other equal rights causes from that era. Part of the educational amendments of 1972, prohibits any sexual discrimination in sports. This goes for any educational institution receiving federal funds. Specifically, ? No person in the United States of America shall, on basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.? Since most schools and universities receive federal money, they must comply with these standards. There has been a rise in the present girls high school sports participation from 300,000 nationally to 2,400,000 since 1971. Although participation has increased in 30 + years, 93% of colleges are estimated to still be out of compliance with at least one of the three components of the law. Colleges still have a long way to go. If the college campus is supposed to be the hallmark of progressiveness, equality and diversity in our society, it is sorely lacking in this area of women? s sports. Another large problem with sports in this country is the emphasis placed on winning at the sub-collegiate level. Although winning is certainly a big part of the game, there is an increased push from parents, and in some cases coaches, for children to over achieve in sports. Teaching sportsmanship, teamwork, and the pure joy of playing the game seems to be absent at a much younger age in sports. There are efforts lately to turn this around. The Youth Soccer Association, the largest youth soccer organization in the U. S. , has about 2. 5 million members in it. There was a recent change in the way the game was played in the leagues. The game was switched around for ages 10 and under. The new rules require the players have 8 players on the sidelines, instead of the usual 12. This ensures more playing time for all of the teammates. In some organizations trophies are not given out any more. This is not just in soccer it is in every sport. In some basketball little leagues the coaches play everyone equally whether they are winning or losing. Youth sports experts nearly always side with equal playing time. Having competitive and increasingly popular youth sport programs, winning is usually the goal. Youth sports experts say athletic programs should provide equal opportunities for every child, regardless of ability. Not having kids play robs them of there opportunity of increasing and developing their skills. More kids would favor playing over winning. In conclusion, sports can provide confidence, leadership, camaraderie, and promote physical well-being. Where society must be careful is how it administers organized sports. Caution must be taken so that sports are used as a tool to promote inclusive participation as opposed to exclusive elitism. An athlete who is at the absolute top of his game, is eventually set up for ultimate faliure.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Function Argument Essay Example for Free
Function Argument Essay Aristotle first asserts that happiness is an ultimate good that is both complete and self-sufficient. 2) The ultimate good for a thing is its ability to complete its function. (3) Human being’s must have a function beyond an occupation in society such as a potter or painter because the ultimate human good must be all encompassing. So the function of a human being cannot specifically be being good at any one position or task. The human function cannot involve just growth because that is essentially the function of plants, and a humans function must be unique in itself. 5) Aristotle claims that because animals and plants cannot reason, a human being’s function must have something to do with rationality, the part that involves our soul. (6) Lesser goods like wealth all are meant to lead to happiness, this rises from the first premise that the ultimate good must be self-sufficient. (C) Therefore he concluded that the human function is the completion of a task (the activity) that involves the soul (not the body), and leads to doing what is ultimately the most virtuous or excellent thing to do. The human function is the activity of the soul in accordance with excellence or virtue. I disagree with Aristotle’s conclusion because I believe premise 4 and 5 are false. He asserts that a human being and a plant cannot have the same functions. Here I think there is a flaw in his logic, Aristotle makes an unreasonable jump in what a person should do and what a person has to do. Humans may have simply evolved from a cell like any other animal, which would suggest that completing our base physical goals, surviving and reproducing, is the human function. Yes because we have evolved further and our capacity for reason is greater then say chimps or dogs, we have a deeper understanding of morality and virtues. Yet there is still a distinct difference between what we should do and what we have to do. I also disagree with the 5th premise because I do not believe reason is a virtue only found in human beings. Animals like gorilla’s and elephants have all been shown to show compassion towards other beings, even those not within its species. Aristotle’s conclusion suffers from these false premises. He makes the assumption that doing something good is the same as being good and this is not true. What something has to do, its function, does not necessarily equate to what something should do. Aristotle draws on the premise that animals cannot reason. While I believe there is a valid argument in terms of the distinction on a human’s depth of reason and an animal’s understanding of it. I believe the distinction lies in a more complex understanding rather then a complete lack of reason. I disagree with these two premises.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Minorities In The Federal Government Politics Essay
Minorities In The Federal Government Politics Essay Minorities are always a source of debate in America. Whether it is relating to immigration laws, equal opportunity in schools and workplaces, or their role in government minorities are often a subject of controversy. Many citizens of the United States feel their ethnicities or sex are not fairly represented in Congress, the Justice system, or even in the Executive branch. Today we have an overwhelming majority of white males in Congress. Racial minorities and women alike are underrepresented in both houses. A debate continues on how to make this representation could become more equal. Some feel that the system is what it is and generally makes a level playing field for all candidates; others believe that white males are heavily favored in our current districting. Underrepresentation of minorities has been prevalent since the beginning of Americas government, and many feel that action must be taken to achieve a more representative Federal Government. Of all minorities, women are actually the weakest in representation. Women make up an equal amount of the United States total population, but they do not receive even close to half of the seats in Congress. In fact, as of this year, women only hold 19% of the seats in Congress. This number is record high, but is still very far from 50%. There are many factors contributing to womens underrepresentation in government. One is a very obvious reason. Women simply do not have as many candidates running for office as do men. If more females hope to gain seats in Congress, more must be willing to run campaigns. Womens participation in political education is also below that of mens. Many argue, however, that women are receiving appropriate education and are attempting to run for office. The reason they have difficulty in gaining seats is peoples predisposition to favor the traditional. Voters are used to males holding these positions, and therefore naturally favor a male candidate to a female . If women hope to achieve more success in their numbers in the government, the general voting population must be more willing to accept them as leaders and vital assets on Capitol Hill. This cannot be done by apathetically hoping people will come to their senses. Women have to make strong efforts to assert themselves in those positions, and show future voters their capability. Some feel traditional views and number of candidates are not the most important factors restricting women from gaining equal representation. The biggest obstacle facing women with regards to underrepresentation in Congress is not peoples tendency to favor males for these positions. Instead their lack of wealth is the primary reason men have over eighty percent of the seats. (Rochne) The number of men with the funding to undergo a costly campaign process is much more numerous than the small number of females who could afford to run. Those women with money who choose to run are still often overmatched when it c omes to funding. Fortunately, women are holding more assets, getting more degrees, and working at more high-level jobs than any other time in Americas history. If this trend continues, then women will continue to gradually increase their presence in Congress. Racial minoritys struggles are far different from those of women. Often it is not money that holds minorities back, but how the voting system is set up in our Country. Redistricting is essentially a political game in which people with the most influence are trying to see their views favored, whether thats to favor party or ethnic hopes. In reality, minority voters wouldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ become submerged in white majority districts, and we would turn the clock back to a time when we had virtually all-white legislatures.(Amy) This is focusing on how redistricting can be instrumental to the racial layout of congress. For many years this was a large factor in the white majority, until it was brought to the courts. This is seen in the Supreme Court case Thornburg vs. Gingles of 1986. The court declared in a unanimous vote that the legacy of official discrimination acted in concert with the multimember districting scheme to impair the ability of cohesive groups of black voters to participa te equally in the political process and to elect candidates of their choice. Essentially this facilitated the creation of United States house districts in which a minority population constitutes a majority of the voting age population. (Banducci) Combined factors still affect minority representation. Wealth, education, experience, number of candidates all contribute to the underrepresentation of ethnicities. Despite all of these factors and the others unmentioned, districting is often considered the most challenging and restraining of all. The amount elected is solely reflected by the numbers of that minority in a voting district. (Peyton) Without minority voting populations being properly represented in their districts, they cannot be properly represented in the Federal Government. Some believe, however, that racial redistricting would have its down falls and is paradoxical in nature. As voting districts are altered to allow for racial minorities to gain election to seats, Congress may be less likely to side with this races ideology and the policies they hope to implement. For example if a district was drawn to favor African-American candidates, Congress may feel less inclined to adopt policies that are favored by many African-American voters. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦particularly in the South, the practice of concentrating minority populations into a small number of districts decreases the liberal influence in the remaining areas. Thus, a handful of minority representatives, almost invariably Democrats, win elections, but so do a greater number of conservative Republicans. (Lublin) Not only will Congress be less willing to accept their policies, but liberal influence in other districts will suffer as a large number of minorities vote democratic. This in turn does the op posite of what activists are hoping. While one minority may gain a seat, their party could lose two. It is still very hard to deny the lack of diversity in Congress. In the United States Senate there are currently no blacks holding positions. In fact, only 6 senators have been African-American since the beginning of the Senate. Todays Senate is made of a 96% white majority. Only 4 senators are racial minorities, Daniel Akaka, Hawaii (Asian-American, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii (Asian-American), Robert Menendez, New Jersey (Hispanic-American) and Marco Rubio, Florida (Hispanic-American). That means that Latinos make up 1% of the Senate, while the latest census found that they make up almost 17% of the United States entire population. It is clear why many are upset about the underrepresentation of minorities. When interviewed about this subject, it was found that most senators do not find this as a matter of importance. (Desjardins) Instead they believe the system gives an equal chance to a ll those running, and should be focused on merit not race. Senators feel that redistricting to aid the election of ethnic minorities is unfair and unnecessary. Of course their opinions are not at all objective; it shows the reluctance of the government when addressing these issues. Legislation is difficult to pass because the white majority would like to continue to see themselves as the majority. It creates a cycle that makes change a slow process. The Supreme Court and the Executive branch are no exception to the high underrepresentation of minorities. To date there have been only two African- Americans in the Supreme court, one who is still serving as an associate justice. And of course only one President has broken the long chain of white male president, Barack Obama. Sandra Day OConnor made history in the Supreme Court as the first ever women elected. In todays Supreme Court, three of the nine justices are women. Between the first ever African-American (or any minority for that matter) holding office in American history, and the new found diversity in the Court it seems both of these government branches are moving toward trends to create a more representative federal government. Even more than the election that made Barack Obama the first black president, the one that returned him to office sent an unmistakable signal that the hegemony of the straight white male in America is over. The long drive for broader social particip ation by all Americans reached a turning point in the 2012 election, which is likely to go down as a watershed in the nations social and political evolution and not just because in some states voters approved of same-sex marriage for the first time. (West) As shown by Los Angeles Times writer Paul West, a new evolution in politics is beginning. It is clear that obstacles are still very much present in the legislative branch, but the new wave of voters and the progress made elsewhere shows that these trend may become a new normal for the United States. Were not in the 50s any more, said William Frey, a Brookings Institution demographer. This election makes it clear that a single focus directed at white males, or at the white population in general, is not going to do it. And its not going to do it when the other party is focusing on energizing everybody else.(West) Barack Obamas success in gaining election has been an unprecedented win for minorities in government. But to ensure that his achievements have a lasting impression, minorities must take his work in stride and continue down the path to representation. Now more than ever people are straying away from views that the candidates need to fit a certain profile. Still work needs to be done. The cabinet is made up of almost entirely white males, and the Supreme Court is only just beginning to diversify. Despite the success seen in some areas of government, the two houses of Congress are far away from fair representation. The solutions to fixing this issue, however, are very difficult to identify and even more difficult to put in place. The first option is to allow things to continue on their own path, and hope that more minorities will be elected. (Amy) Some argue that this could potentially work based on trends that have been occurring since the mid 1900s. Minorities are gaining seats slowly, and soon more will become available to them. Although possible, this method would create a long process of representation that could take several decades to become fair. It also creates an opportunity for minorities to move backwards instead of forwards, pushing districts back to even more unfair sections. Activists agree that this is not a true option to solving the problem of underrepresentation. Another solution is one that is used today. Groups like the NAACP can fight each individual chal lenge that is placed on minority districts. (Amy) This is more of a short-term solution however. The Supreme Court will not vote in favor of challenges when the only reason in race. Legal groups that fight for these districts are only keeping a minimal hold on the districts necessary for minority representation. So while this effort to save current minority districts is an important short-term tactic, and while it may work in some cases, it is difficult to be optimistic about the long-term success of this approach. (Amy) It is clear that this issue cannot be resolved by numerous court cases defending districts, especially when the Supreme Court does not look favorably on challenges solely based on race. The solution that could potentially solve these issues is an alternative election system based of proportional representation. This system is used by several Western nations and has shown great success in equaling the number of minorities in government. There are two separate ways to do this: one is by a cumulative vote, the other is by creating multi-member districts. The cumulative vote has already been used in some states for local elections in the U.S., and has shown considerable success in getting more minorities into local government positions. The success of this method at lower levels could also indicate that a cumulative vote used in districts could help minorities gain a fair amount of congressional seats. Multi-member districts are another viable option. If a districts voting population is 20% Hispanic, then that district would have 5 members, one of them likely turning out to be Hispanic. Minorities tend to vote for candidates from the same ethnic background, so creating districts into multi-member could even the playing field and create much greater representation of ethnic minorities. In the long run, proportional representation may be the only politically and constitutionally viable solution to the problem of minority representation in the U.S. P R would allow minorities a fair chance to elect their own candidates without resorting to the kind of race-based districting that has provoked the recent legal backlash. White voters would have nothing to complain about with PR since it would allow them to elect their fair share of representatives, and it wouldnt involve the drawing of special or funny shaped districts to benefit minorities. In this sense, proportional representation is a truly race neutral approach to districting, and one that would finally resolve once and for all this festering political problem. Americans committed to fair representation need to familiarize themselves with how these alternative systems work, promote the adoption of these systems on the local level, and pressure Congress to pass legislation to allow the use of proportional representation for congressional elections. Now is not the time to abandon the goal of fair representation for all Americans. We simply have to find new ways to achieve that go al; and currently, switching to proportional representation elections would seem to be our best bet. (Amy) Although this seems like an effective option, it is very difficult to put in place. Most political scientists agree that districting is the source of the problem, but if something could be done it would have already happened. (McCray) Most members of Congress are white males and will not support any acts that would potentially hurt their chances for reelection. Racial minorities need to find other ways than tirelessly challenging through the courts, and hoping that something will change about districting. Funding and strengthening of merit are two things that must be focused on. Latinos, African-Americans, and women all need to increase their wealth and their resumes if they wish to appeal to a broader audience. The graph on the next page, provided by the census bureau, shows the large gap in wealth between the majority white and all minorities. Whites hold 22 times the amount of wealth that blacks do. (Luhby) This also correlates with the amount of education received by these ethnicities. Without more success as a minority in America, it will be difficult for them to hold seats in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Having less wealth and home equity means it will be more difficult for blacks and Hispanics to send their children to college, which gives them a leg up on landing good jobs, said Roderick Harrison, senior research scientist at Howard University. That will further extend the wealth gap. The implications will be with us into the next generation, which will have greater difficulty in getting the kinds of jobs needed to start saving and building wealth, Harrison said. (Luhby) This is not a trend that minorities want to continue. During the past few years, while every Americans wealth has been declining, minorities have been declining at an almost 40% faster rate than that of whites. (Luhby) The path to equal representation begins with closing the wealth gap and getting more minorities the best education possible. The public also needs to be aware of these issues. The media plays an essential role in the United States political layout, and they need to do better at informing people of the gap between races. There is no doubting the struggles that women and racial minorities have in trying to gain fair representation. Some hope that these issues will eventually work itself out. Progress has been made in getting more diversity in the Federal Government. The first African-American man is now the President of the United States, more women are holding congressional seats than ever before, and the diversity of the Supreme Court is at an all-time high. There is a lot of hope that these are only the beginnings as well. The American government is based on the principle that the people are the voice of government. The government is in place to serve and embody the United States population as a whole, not just by the majority. Millions of U.S. citizens make up what is known as our nations minorities. It is projected that in the next few decades that America could have a minority majority (the number of minorities combined outnumbers the white population). This is why many feel that they should have proportional representation in Congress. Women and all ethnicities that make up our country have made strides in their struggle for equality in our government, and in the near future action must be taken to see that they continue to be represented fairly.
Goya: Truth and War Essays -- essays research papers
                         GOYA: Truth and War On May 2nd 1808 the people of Madrid revolted against the French troops occupying their city. The following day the French retaliated. In the remembrance of this event Francisco de Goya painted The Third of May. The horrific scene takes place at night on a deserted hillside. The feeling of horror is conveyed by the churoscuro use of lighting. Painted with intense emotional expression the Spaniards stand before there deaths. The soldiers before them lined up with guns in hand and ready to fire. The Spaniard facial expression and body language differ slightly which conveys the methodical process of execution that each victim faced before and after their death. It is uncertain weather or not Goya acctually witnessed these events. In any case his depiction of this event paints a horrific and dramatic picture, which evokes emotion that is quit undeniable. As in some of his other works Goya represents the brutal truth of warfare.      Goya’s earlier work consists of the irrational or macabre, exploring worlds of dark fantasy. Paintings such as St. Francis and Borgia Exorcising or The Bogeyman is Coming represent his preoccupation with the unknown or strange. Goya’s work focuses on both the potentials of human behaviour and the strang and unusual qualities of fantasy and reality. Observing an earlier painting such as The Bogeyman is Coming in comparison to the Third of May, Goya makes a shift in subject matter from an imagined fantasy to a real life event. Although this change has occurred his element of the macabre are still present. The immediate impression of The Third of May is of terror and immoralized human behavior. The central figure holds out his arms like a man crucified with the body language of defiance. Bright whites and yellows are used in contrast to his surroundings contributing to the dramatic image. The Spaniard’s faces are drawn in detail giving each figure an identity. Their facial expressions show fear and despair. No longer is Goya using elements of horror and drama to represent an imagined event. This is a picture of reality, an event that occurred with every amount of terror and emotion that ... were somewhat alike but their approach and effect were quit different.      Likely to be influenced by Jacques Callot’s earlier works such as Les Caprices, Les Bohemiens, and Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre, Goya completed The Disasters of War. These were the accounts of violence that Goya recorded during France’s presence in Spain. It consisted of eighty etchings and wasn’t published until 1863. In these etchings Goya illustrates the horrible war-like violence that took place in Spain. These images are done with the same pitiless honesty that Goya used in the Third of May. Obscure, curious and irrational elements were still apparent in his art.      In his eighty-two year life span Goya painted images that were sinister, dark, dramatic and tragic but at the same time intriguing and truthful. Goya’s depictions of war were honest delving into human behavior and wars brutal immoralizing of human action. Goya found violence and degradation in life and humanity. His portrayal of these elements in his paintings communicated to his viewers the undeniable truths of humanity.     Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
1900s Worldwide Overpopulation :: Essays Papers
1900s Worldwide Overpopulation Michael Beadling Jonathan Swift, author of, â€Å" A Modest Proposal†is not alone in his literary theories regarding a method to cure the plaguing disease of overpopulation. Overpopulation meaning: the inability of society and of Earth to accommodate an excessive amount of persons. This problem has been addressed and dealt with in a variety of ways for hundreds of years. It is thought, that if there are too many people, than every new addition to the population takes away from those who already exist. So, if this is the case, why not stop the newcomers from coming or rid t he one’s who just arrived? Theses above mentioned thoughts eventually are put to action and made laws by government. A man by the name of, Paul Ehrlich, who was an advocate for population control, stated in his book, The Population Bomb, â€Å" we can no longer afford merely to treat the symptoms of cancer of population growth; the cancer itself must be cut out†(xi). By this quote he means that we can’t just keep giving â€Å"medicine†to the disease in hopes that will cure it, we have to completely eliminate the disease. In the people’s country, the Unites States of America, eradicating children and putting to death those who bare children is not something that is practiced. This does not, however, hold true for other countries. China is presumably the most famous country for enforcing strict population control. Acknowledging that China is a communist country, they hold the power to carry out their rules as they see fit. An article in The New York Times stated, â€Å"Chinese women were rounded up and forced to have abortions; vigilantes abducted pregnant women on the streets and hauled them off, sometimes hand-cuffed or trussed, to abortion clinics†(Wren). In the Wall Street Journal, Steven Mosher wrote that the People’s Press agreeably talked about â€Å" the butchering, drowning, and leaving to die of female infants and maltreating of women who have given birth to girls†(Mosher) The people of China believe that a man is more apt and able to take care of his parents than a female, so they prefer the births of men over women. Although China may seem evil in their antics for population control, the US has it’s own ghosts. Planned Parenthood is one of the few entities promoting family planning and birth control. This is a group whose tactics lack bribery and corruption.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Emilie Du Chatelet :: essays research papers fc
Emilie du Chatelet Emilie du Chatelet grew up in a society where there were not many education opportunities for women. She was born in Paris on December 17, 1706 and grew up in a household where marriage was the only way one could improve their place in society. During her early childhood, Emilie began to show such promise in the area of academics that soon she was able to convince her father that she was a genius who needed attention. Provided with good education, she studied and soon mastered Latin, Italian and English. She also studied Tasso, Virgil, Milton and other great scholars of the time. In spite of her talents in the area of languages, her true love was mathematics. Her study in this area was encouraged be a family friend, M. de Mezieres, who recognized her talent. Emilie's work in mathematics was rarely original or as captivating as that of other female mathematicians but it was substantive. At the age of nineteen she married Marquis du Chatelet. During the first two years of their marriage, Emilie gave birth to a boy and a girl, and later at the age of 27 the birth of another son followed. Neither the children or her husband deterred her from fully grasping and indulging in the social life of the court. Some of Emilie's most significant work came from the period she spent with Voltaire, one of the most intriguing and brilliant scholars of this time, at Cirey-sur-Blaise. For the two scholars this was a safe and quiet place distant from the turbulence of Paris and court life. She started studying the works of Leibniz but she then started to analyze the discoveries of Newton. She was extremely success in translating his whole book on the principals of mathematics into French. She also added to this book an "Algebraical Commentary" which very few general readers understood. To realize the significance of her work for future French scholars it is important to understand the social context within which she lived and worked. One of Emilie's most significant tutors was Pierre Louis de Maupertuis, a renown mathematician and astronomer of the time. The struggle for success did not come easy even for Emilie. As a student her curiosity and unrelentedness caused her to place impossible demands on her tutors. Such nature caused her to engage in dispute with her tutor at the time, Samuel Koenig. Their dispute was about the subject of the infinitely small which ended their friendship. In 1740 when Emilie's book Institutions de physique was published, Koenig started a rumor that the work was merely a rehash of his lessons with her.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Punitive Articles of the Ucmj Article 89 Essay
â€Å"Any person subject to this chapter who behaves with disrespect toward his superior commissioned officer shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.†Context. (1) That the accused did or omitted certain acts or used certain language to or concerning a certain commissioned officer; (2) That such behavior or language was directed toward that officer; (3) That the officer toward whom the acts, omissions, or words were directed was the superior commissioned officer of the accused; (4) That the accused then knew that the commissioned officer toward whom the acts, omissions, or words were directed was the accused’s superior commissioned officer; and (5) That, under the circumstances, the behavior or language was disrespectful to that commissioned officer. Explanation. (1) Superior commissioned officer. (a) Accused and victim in same armed force. If the accused and the victim are in the same armed force, the victim is a â€Å"superior commissioned officer†of the accused when either superior in rank or command to the accused; however, the victim is not a â€Å"superior commissioned officer â€Å"of the accused if the victim is inferior in command, even though superior in rank. (b) Accused and victim in different armed forces. If the accused and the victim are in different armed forces, the victim is a â€Å"superior commissioned officer†of the accused when the victim is a commissioned officer and superior in the chain of command over the accused or when the victim, not a medical officer or a chaplain, is senior in grade to the accused and both are detained by a hostile entity so that recourse to the normal chain of command is prevented. The victim is not a â€Å"superior commissioned officer†of the accused merely because the victim is superior in grade to the accused. (c) Execution of office. It is not necessary that the â€Å"superior commissioned officer†be in the execution of office at the time of the disrespectful behavior. (2) Knowledge. If the accused did not know that the person against whom the acts or words were directed was the accused’s superior commissioned officer, the accused may not be convicted of a violation of this article. Knowledge may be proved by circumstantial evidence. (3) Disrespect. Disrespectful behavior is that which detracts from the respect due the authority and person of a superior commissioned officer. It may consist of acts or language, however expressed, and it is immaterial whether they refer to the superior as an officer or as a private individual. Disrespect by words may be conveyed by abusive epithets or other contemptuous or denunciatory language. Truth is no defense. Disrespect by acts includes neglecting the customary salute, or showing a marked disdain, indifference, insolence, impertinence, undue familiarity, or other rudeness in the presence of the superior officer. (4) Presence. It is not essential that the disrespectful behavior be in the presence of the superior, but ordinarily one should not be held accountable under this article for what was said or done in a purely private conversation. (5) Special defenseâ€â€unprotected victim. A superior commissioned officer whose conduct in relation to the accused under all the circumstances departs substantially from the required standards appropriate to that officer’s rank or position under similar circumstances loses the protection of this article. That accused may not be convicted of being disrespectful to the officer who has so lost the entitlement to respect protected by Article 89. Nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15) Commander’s Tool for Discipline ART. 15. COMMANDING OFFICER’S NON-JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT (a) Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, and under such additional regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary concerned, limitations may be placed on the powers granted by this article with respect to the kind and amount of punishment authorized, the categories of commanding officers and warrant officers exercising command authorized to exercise those powers, the applicability of this article to an accused who demands trial by court-martial, and the kinds of courts-martial to which the case may be referred upon such a demand. However, except in the case of a member attached to or embarked in a vessel, punishment may not be imposed upon any member of the armed forces under this article if the member has, before the imposition of such punishment, demanded trial by court-martial in lieu of such punishment. Under similar regulations, rules may be prescribed with respect to the suspension of punishments authorized by regulations of the Secretary concerned, a commanding officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction or an officer of general or flag rank in command may delegate his powers under this article to a principal assistant. (b) Subject to subsection (a) any commanding officer may, in addition to or in lieu of admonition or reprimand, impose one or more of the following disciplinary punishments for minor offenses without the intervention of a court-martial (1) Upon officers of his command (A) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than 30 consecutive days; (B) if imposed by an officer exercising general court-martial jurisdictions or an officer of general flag rank in command (i) arrest in quarters for not more than 30 consecutive days; (ii) forfeiture of not more than one-half of one month’s pay per month for two months; (iii) restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than 60 consecutive days; (iv) detention of not more than one-half of one month’s pay per month for three months; (2) upon other personnel of his command (A) if imposed upon a person attached to or embarked in a vessel, confinement on bread and water or diminished rations for not more than three consecutive days; (B) correctional custody for not more than seven consecutive days; (C) forfeiture of not more than seven days’ pay; (D) reduction to the next inferior pay grade, if the grade from which demoted is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the reduction or any officer subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction; (E) extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not more than 14 consecutive days; (F) restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than 14 consecutive days; (G) detention of not more than 14 days’ pay; (H) if imposed by an officer of the grade of major or lieutenant commander, or above (i) the punishment authorized under clause (A); (ii) correctional custody for not more than 30 consecutive days; (iii) forfeiture of not more than one-half of one month’s pay per month for two months; (iv) reduction to the lowest or any intermediate pay grade, if the grade from which demoted is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the reduction or any officer subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction, by an enlisted member in a pay grade above E-4 may not be reduced more than two pay grades; (v) extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not more than 45 consecutive days; (vi) restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than 60 consecutive days; (vii) detention of not more than one-half of one month’s pay per month for three months. Detention of pay shall be for a stated period of not more than one year but if the offender’s term of service expires earlier, the detention shall terminate upon that expiration. No two or more of the punishments of arrest in quarters, confinement or bread and water or diminished rations, correctional custody, extra duties, and restriction may be combined to run consecutively in the maximum amount impossible for each. Whenever any of those punishments are combined to run consecutively, there must be an apportionment. In addition, forfeiture of pay may not be combined with detention of pay without an apportionment. For the purpose of this subsection, â€Å"correctional custody†is the physical restraint of a person during duty or non-duty hours and may include extra duties, fatigue duties, or hard labor. If practicable, correctional custody will not be served in immediate association with persons awaiting trial or held in confinement pursuant to trial by court-martial . (c) An officer in charge may impose upon enlisted members assigned to the unit of which he is in charge such of the punishment authorized under subsection (b)(2)(A)-(G) as the Secretary concerned may specifically prescribe by regulation. (d) The officer who imposes the punishment authorized in subsection (b), or his successor in command, may, at any time, suspend probationally any part or amount of the unexecuted punishment imposed and may suspend probationally a reduction in grade or forfeiture imposed under subsection (b), whether or not executed. In addition, he may, at any time, remit or mitigate any part or amount of the unexecuted punishment imposed and may set aside in whole or in part the punishment, whether executed or unexecuted, and restore all rights, privileges and property affected. He may also mitigate reduction in grade to forfeiture or detention of pay. When mitigating (1) arrest in quarters to restriction; (2) confinement on bread and water or diminished rations to correctional custody; (3) correctional custody confinement on bread and water or diminished rations to extra duties or restriction, or both; or (4) extra duties to restriction; the mitigated punishment shall not be for a greater period than the punishment mitigated. When mitigating forfeiture of pay to detention of pay, the amount of detention shall not be greater than the amount of the forfeiture. When mitigating reduction in grade to forfeiture or detention of pay, the amount of the forfeiture or detention shall not be greater than the amount that could have been imposed initially under this article by the officer who imposed the punishment mitigated. (e) A person punished under this article who considers his punishment unjust or disproportionate to the offense may, through proper channels, appeal to the next superior authority. The appeal shall be promptly forwarded and decided, but the person punished may in the meantime be required to undergo the punishment adjudged. The superior authority may exercise the same powers with respect to punishment imposed as may be exercised under subsection (d) by the officer who imposed the punishment. Before acting on appeal from a punishment of (1) arrest in quarters for more than seven days; (2) correctional custody for more than seven days; (3) forfeiture of more than seven days’ pay; (4) reduction of one or more pay grades from the fourth or a higher pay grade; (5) extra duties for more than 14 days; (6) restriction for more than 14 days; or (7) detention of more than 14 days’ pay; the authority who is to act on the appeal shall refer the case to a judge advocate or a lawyer of the Department of Transportation for consideration and advice, and may so refer the case upon appeal from any punishment imposed under subsection (b). (f) The imposition and enforcement of disciplinary punishment under this article for any act or omission is not a bar to trial by court-martial for a serious crime or offense growing out of the same act or omission, and not properly punishable under this article; but the fact that a disciplinary punishment has been enforced may be shown by the accuse upon trial, and when so shown shall be considered in determining the measure of punishment to be adjudged in the event of a finding of guilty. (g) The Secretary concerned may, by regulation, prescribe the form of records to be kept under this article and may also prescribe that certain categories of those proceedings shall be in writing. CUSTOMS 4-1. The Army has its own customs, both official and social. Some have been handed down from the distant past while others are of comparatively recent origin. Those customs that endure stand on their own merits. As a long established social organization, the Army observes a number of customs that add to the interest, pleasure, and graciousness of Army life. Often it is these customs and traditions, strange to the civilian eye but solemn to the soldier, that keep the man in the uniform going in the unexciting times of peace. In war they keep him fighting at the front. The fiery regimental spirit fondly polished over decades and centuries possesses him in the face of the enemy. [The soldier] fights for the regiment, his battalion, his company, his platoon, his section, his comrade. 4-2. A custom is an established practice. Customs include positive actions-things you do, and taboos-things you avoid. All established arts, trades, and professions, all races of people, all nations, and even different sections of the same nation have their own practices and customs by which they govern a part of their lives. 4-3. Many Army customs compliment procedures required by military courtesy, while others add to the graciousness of garrison life. The breach of some Army customs merely brands the offender as ignorant, careless, or ill bred. Violations of other Army customs, however, will bring official censure or disciplinary action. The customs of the Army are its common law. These are a few: * Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. * Never go â€Å"over the heads†of superiors-don’t jump the chain of command. * Never offer excuses. * Never â€Å"wear†a superior’s rank by saying something like, â€Å"the first sergeant wants this done now,†when in fact the first sergeant said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. * Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute. * Never run indoors or pretend you don’t hear (while driving, for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat. * Never appear in uniform while under the influence of alcohol. * If you don’t know the answer to a superior’s question, you will never go wrong with the response, â€Å"I don’t know sir, but I’ll find out.†COURTESIES 4-4. Courtesy among members of the Armed Forces is vital to maintain discipline. Military courtesy means good manners and politeness in dealing with other people. Courteous behavior provides a basis for developing good human relations. The distinction between civilian and military courtesy is that military courtesy was developed in a military atmosphere and has become an integral part of serving in uniform. 4-5. most forms of military courtesy have some counterpart in civilian life. For example, we train soldiers to say sir or ma’am when talking to a higher ranking officer. Young men and women are sometimes taught to say sir to their fathers or ma’am to their mothers and likewise to other elders. It is often considered good manners for a younger person to say sir or ma’am when speaking to an older person. The use of the word sir is also common in the business world, such as in the salutation of a letter or in any well-ordered institution. 4-6. Military courtesy is not a one-way street. Enlisted personnel are expected to be courteous to officers and likewise officers are expected to return the courtesy. Mutual respect is a vital part of military courtesy. In the final analysis, military courtesy is the respect shown to each other by members of the same profession. Some of the Army’s more common courtesies include rendering the hand salute, standing at attention or parade rest, or even addressing others by their rank.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Check Point: Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making
Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making Misty M. Jones PSY/265 September 26th, 2012 Nicole Pansey Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making Critical thinking is an integral part of college. To think critically; you must be skeptical, observant, resourceful (as far as gathering information goes), and you must weigh the truths of what you find against what you have been told. Based on the way I define critical thinking; I cannot think of an instance where I applied critical thinking to having sex, unless you count how I choose birth control.Quite a few people do not consider the decision making process regarding birth control and contraceptives as part of the sexual process. I do regard it as such, for many reasons. The first is that you have to consider potential allergies when choosing a birth control method, whether it is condoms, Depo-Provera, an implant, an intrauterine device, or birth control pills. I can’t take pills because I forget to take them.I tried being on a pill for birth control as a teenager, and even with them sitting right in front of my alarm clock I could not remember to take them. However, because I generally dislike needles, I could remember that in one or two or three months (depending on when I received my last shot) I had an appointment to get more Depo-Provera. After the birth of my son Lucian, I had to choose a new birth control method; especially because for the entire year prior the only that had been used was condoms.After much discussion with my fiance, I got the new implant Implanon. At this point let me explain why I am so picky about birth control. Advertisements for birth control flood commercials, especially on networks with shows whose target audiences are teenagers. Yet for all the advertising there are things you are not informed of. For example, condom commercials do not warn you that if you allergic to latex you should ask your doctor before using them. While that concept may be common sense, most eople do not even read the box the condoms come in. I think the reason I think so critically about birth control is because I made stupid mistakes as a teenager. The bottom line is that critical thinking can prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Thinking critically only takes about two minutes when it comes to whether or not one is prepared to have sex, you are either using protection or you aren’t†¦I would advise using protection whenever possible though.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Othello Essay
William Shakespeare’s Othello is essentially a play about human passions, which, when unleashed, can be blind and destructive. Iago can be considered the most important character in the text, as it is him who manages to manipulate all the characters in the play by making use of their own weaknesses, so as to make them serve his own purpose of revenge. Iago’s motivations are multiple. He repeatedly states his hate for â€Å"the Moor†, and sets to destroy him and the other characters in the play. To achieve this, Iago makes use of the passions that he intuitively perceives as very prominent in the other characters: he uses Othello’s love for Desdemona and manages to drive him to believe she is unfaithful, he uses Desdemona’s generosity to determine her to speak to Othello in behalf of Cassio and so on. Thus, love and hate are the main human passions, but, from both of these, a third passion is often born: jealousy. Iago triggers Othello’s jealousy, and as he does so, he is motivated by his own jealousy. In Othello, Shakespeare shows how jealousy drives men to acts normally unconscionable. Jealousy motivates Iago to lie, cheat and steal his way to the chief lieutenant’s position. Without jealousy, men would be content in their environments and no conniving would occur. Jealousy is the strongest and the most powerful emotion in man. The most important feature of Iago is his permanent dissembling and his distortion of reality. This is the tool that he uses to deceive the others and to make them comply to his plan. Iago’s permanent dissembling is very important for understanding the motivations behind his acts. Even from the first scene of Act I, Iago declares that he acts so as to reach his own goals, and he is not devoted to any other person or sentiment than to himself. Thus, as Iago emphasizes, he only dissembles that he â€Å"follows†Othello as a servant, but in fact, only follows himself and is only faithful to his own motivations: â€Å"Others there are/ Who, trimm’d in forms and visages of duty,/ Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves,/ And, throwing but shows of service on their lords,/Do well thrive by them and when they have lined/ their coats/ Do themselves homage: these fellows have some soul;/And such a one do I profess myself. For, sir,/ It is as sure as you are Roderigo,/Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago:/In following him, I follow but myself;†(I. i. 49-59) Iago is motivated by his own designs and plans to destroy the Moor. Whatever the motivations that lie behind his hate for Othello, Iago makes it clear that he is only faithful to himself, and disregards any other feelings or principles that might stand in the way. At first sight, his almost diabolic plans seem to make of Iago a very cold and calculated character, since he manages to dissemble everything and to deceive everyone, while hiding his true nature and motivations. Iago is indeed Machiavellic in pursuing his purposes, and he states this himself, when he says that he will wear his heart upon his sleeve- a phrase that has a double meaning: firstly, he implies that he will play the others as he pleases, always taking the advantages as in a game of cards, and then that he will do this without any feeling or â€Å"heart†: â€Å"But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/ For daws to peck at: I am not what I am. †(I. i. 65-66) However, as it shall be seen, Iago can not be considered as a mere cold blooded and Machiavellic character that acts only to reach his own abstract goals. Although his first motivation is to serve his own purposes and ensure his own comfort and pleasure, Shakespeare actually lets the reader see that Iago is motivated by his own passions, and most of all by jealousy, in his actions. The first hint in the play that corroborates this assumption is the fact that Iago’s manipulation of the other characters seems to spring from his own knowledge of the passions that impulse them. Iago’s is jealous of everyone else, and thus knows this feeling better that everyone and is able to use his knowledge to drive Othello to mad jealousy. He manipulates all the other characters as well, by using their own passions and a subtle distortion of truth: he uses Desdemona’s good heart to make her plead for Cassio in front of Othello, and thus drives her to perdition through her own actions, then he uses Cassio’s admiration for Desdemona and his desire to get his position back as a lieutenant to make him ask Desdemona for help, and so on. Even to achieve smaller purposes he always makes sure that the other characters are driven by some passion, so as to play them as he likes (as when he calls Barbantio, Desdemona’s father, and makes Roderigo tell him about his daughter’s corruption by Othello, and thus drives him into a rage). As such, Iago is a true Janus figure, a double faced character who dissimulates his own jealousy and passions to manipulate the other’s feelings: â€Å"Iago is like Janus, the two-faced god by whom he swears (â€Å"By Janus, I think no†[1. 2. 32]), in that he speaks with a double tongue. He alters his version of the truth to suit the occasion. To Roderigo he presents a Desdemona who is sexually susceptible, while to Cassio he offers a jaundiced view of â€Å"good name† no longer the â€Å"jewel†of the soul that he praises to Othello (3. 3. 156)  when he asserts that â€Å"reputation†is an â€Å"idle and most false imposition†(2. 3. 267-68). Although Iago does tell a few direct lies, such as the presumably fabricated â€Å"dream†of Cassio, his speciality is more often â€Å"false interpretations of factual data†or the manipulation of empirical data to his advantage. †(Hall, 73) Some of Iago’s main motivations for his plans can be plainly read in his own statements and soliloquies in the text. Thus, the first motivation that comes into sight even at the beginning of the play is his jealousy of Cassio’s promotion as Othello’s lieutenant. Iago’s rancor drives him to call Cassio an incompetent lieutenant and to state that the place should have been his. He thus evinces the first sign of his over powering jealousy- he desires another man’s position and cannot stand to feel left aside: â€Å"As masterly as he: mere prattle, without practice/ Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had the election/ And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof/ At Rhodes, at Cyprus and on other grounds/ Christian and heathen must be be-lee’d and calm’d/ By debitor and creditor: this counter-caster,/ He, in good time, must his lieutenant be,/ And I–God bless the mark! –his Moorship’s ancient. †(I. i. 25-32) The second important motivation to determine Iago’s actions is again jealously. This time, it is jealousy of Othello, as he thinks that the latter has engaged in an adulterous relationship with his own wife, Emilia. The statement appears twice in the play, and Iago emphasizes that his revenge will be the â€Å"wife for wife†, that is, he will make Othello pay with Desdemona wife for taking his own wife Emilia: â€Å"I hate the Moor, / And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets / [He’s] done my office. †(I. iii. 386-88) I do suspect the lusty Moor/ Hath leap’d into my seat; the thought whereof /Doth (like a poisonous mineral) gnaw my inwards; /And nothing can or shall content my soul /Till I am evened with him, wife for wife. †(II. i. 295-99) The jealousy that Iago feels in both cases, for Cassio’s promotion over him and for Othello’s affair with Desdemona is unfounded as such. Emilia herself declines later in the play having had any kind of adventure with Othello. Therefore, it becomes obvious that these reasons that Iago takes up to pursue his revenge are more or less fabricated. He is indeed jealous both of Cassio and Othello, but his jealousy springs from an even deeper fountain than what that to which he admits: he is in fact eaten by envy for all the other character that is more successful than him or has more advantages than he does. Iago’s main motivation for his actions arises from an almost chronic jealousy of everyone and everything that main constitute a threat to his own ego: â€Å"Audiences accept the sincerity of his explosive â€Å"I hate the Moor†(1. 3. 377), his resentment at being passed over for promotion to lieutenant despite his being senior to Cassio (1. 1. 32-33), and his fear of being cuckolded (1. 3. , 378-79; 2. 1. 307). At the same time, they probably intuit other motives that drive his campaign of hatred: an underlying racial animosity toward Othello and bitterness at â€Å"class privilege,†a pervasive envy of anyone who is more successful than he is, and a need to assert himself through exercising power over the people who threaten his ego. †(Hall, 74) The love for his own self and his egocentrism are recurrent elements in Iago’s speech. This does not mean merely that he tries to preserve himself from harm and injury or that he always pursues his interests and ambitions. As already seen, Iago is indeed a character that always seeks his own interest. This can be easily inferred from the fact that he seems to act, as he himself states, to protect what is of his own right: his wife, and the position of lieutenant that, as he implies, should be rightfully his. However, Iago acts out of jealousy and a desire to possess everything that others possess, and not to protect his property. His idea is that the love for oneself should always come first, and annihilate any other principles, and this is one of the crucial reasons for his villainous actions: â€Å"[†¦] and since I could distinguish/ betwixt a benefit and an injury, I never found man/ that knew how to love himself. Ere I would say, I would drown myself for the love of a guinea-hen, /I would change my humanity with a baboon. †Since Iago’s love for himself drives him to jealousy of everyone else, he has no moral principles of his own. He mocks at love, virtue and honesty, reputation, and believes that the only true motivation for action should be that of pursuing one’s strict interests. In his conversation with Cassio, Iago advocates that reputation does not count for anything, and that a bodily injury would have been much more serious a wound: As I am an honest man, I thought you had received/ some bodily wound; there is more sense in that that/ in reputation. Reputation is an idle and most false/ imposition: oft got without merit, and lost without/ deserving: you have lost no reputation at all,/ unless you repute yourself such a loser. (II. iii. 270-275) Not only does Iago despise any moral principle or value, but he is jealous of them when he sees that the others have them. Another motivation for his actions is thus the jealousy that he feels at the beauty he sees in the others’ lives. This is his case against Cassio who has a â€Å"daily beauty in his life†that makes Iago â€Å"ugly†: [†¦ ] if Cassio do remain,/ He hath a daily beauty in his life/ That makes me ugly; and, besides, the Moor May unfold me to him; there stand I in much peril:/ No, he must die. But so: I hear him coming. (V. i. 18-22) Thus, most of Iago’s motivations are determined by jealousy and envy. His jealousy is not limited to Othello’s taking of his wife or to Cassio’s taking of his position as a lieutenant, as he woul d have us believe. He is jealous of all the things or persons that are good or beautiful. As such, Iago has been many times seen as the personification of evil. He is almost a devil, who tempts the passions and weaknesses of other people, a true artist of evil. As Joan Lord Hall affirms, Iago seems at time to act as the principle of pure evil that does not need motives: â€Å"Whereas the original Vice sporting his â€Å"self-proclaimed, ebullient villainy†does not need motives, Iago is not wholly convincing when he provides them. †(Hall, 78) Iago himself, after having devised his diabolic plan, proclaims himself the author of the evil that shall follow: â€Å" I have’t. It is engender’d. Hell and night/ Must bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light. †(I. iii. 424-425) Although it is clear that Iago is evil, it is still obvious that he has his reasons for being evil, and that these are almost pathologic. He hates everyone else and is jealous of everything, and these are the main things that make him be evil. As Hall observes, Iago is indeed a passionate character, and he is animated by a pathological form of jealousy: â€Å"His intrigues thus serve to shore up the terrible emptiness of his â€Å"inner abyss. †The actor of Iago, though, may prefer to portray him as a smoldering volcano of aggression and pathological jealousy rather than as an emotionally dead human being. (Hall, 79) Thus, Iago denigrates both love and virtue in his conversation with Roderigo, trying to persuade him that Desdemona could be his in spite of her seeming love for Othello and of Othello’s love for her. Love is but a â€Å"sect or scion†, something that arises in the senses and that can be controlled with the help of the will. This crude and naturalistic definition of love that Iago gives, is certainly rooted into his own jealousy at not being able to partake of this feeling or of any other: but we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal/ stings, our unbitted lusts, whereof I take this that/ you call love to be a sect or scion. (I. iii. 354-356) Iago cannot feel anything else except his own jealousy. This is why he imitates the feelings of Othello, and states that one of his reasons for his acts is his own lust for Desdemona. The position is however obviously false, as he only feels jealous of Othello and Desdemona’ love: Now, I do love her too;/ Not out of absolute lust, though peradventure/ I stand accountant for as great a sin, But partly led to diet my revenge,/ For that I do suspect the lusty Moor/ Hath leap’d into my seat; the thought whereof/ Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards;†( II. i. 312- 319) As Hall proposes, the ultimate reasons for Iago’s behavior can be rooted in his acute jealousy, which obviously is almost paranoid. He does not feel jealousy for his wife as such, but for every man that might be happy with a woman: â€Å"If we find in Iago’s soliloquies interior development rather than casual motive-hunting, then the character is suffering from acute jealousy and sexual paranoia. He appears to distrust his wife intensely. Resentful of Cassio’s attentions to Emilia at the harbor, he later wonders if Cassio has usurped his â€Å"nightcap†(his place in bed). In his very first soliloquy, he broods on the rumor that Emilia has slept with Othello. †(Hall, 79) The most interesting part in the play for this point is Iago’s conversation with Othello, and his â€Å"advice†to the latter against jealousy. Thus, Iago induces Othello’s jealousy by denigrating jealousy in front of him in such a way that it becomes obvious that he speaks from personal experience, and that he knows the feeling all too well. Thus, Iago appears as a character who acts out of extreme jealousy, while he manages to target the jealousy of Othello and make him be the one that actually performs the evil: â€Å"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;/ It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss/ Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;/ But, O, what damned minutes tells he o’er/ Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves! †(III. iii. 188-193) Iago’s ultimate silence at the end of the play helps the conclusion. He has been trying to manipulate everyone through his speech and lying and to reach his goals, but at the end he is silenced by Desdemona’s last speech of love. His jealousy is thus smothered by the power of true love: â€Å"Thus defeated a second time, what further silence can Iago seek to impose, except upon himself? His characteristic movement, from awareness of inadequacy to anger to denial, here reaches its logical conclusion, in a denial so complete that it blocks access even to a language formed from pain or anger. †(Zender, 328)
Obesity and the Media Essay
Although advertisers and the media have a huge impact on the issue of childhood obesity, the parents have the final call on what their children eat and don’t eat. It is the parents who give in to their children’s whining and give them what they want just to please them. Childhood obesity starts when the children are old enough to realize that they can get their way when they cry for something. It is the parents’ responsibility to lead by example and teach their children healthy eating habits at a young age. If the parents have unhealthy eating habits and include fast food and fried food in their diet on a regular basis, it is likely that their children will do the same. Kids will get accustomed to eating whatever is made available for them in their home. It is the parents’ job to provide healthy snack options so that their children can get used to healthy habits at early ages. When children are first attracted to the fast food ads at a very young age, it is often because they are attracted to the toys such as the ones offered in â€Å"happy meals.†Another reason why fast food is so popular is because it is a quick and easy meal when people are busy or don’t feel like cooking dinner. My solution to these issues would be to create a fast food chain that offered healthier options. That way, when people want to drive through and order something quick, they would be able to do so while still eating healthy. These restaurants would also offer children’s meals that include a toy, which would promote staying active, and eating healthy. The advertisement that I created is for a healthy fast food restaurant called Chick-A-Dees. This restaurant would offer all natural foods, rather than deep-fried options. The ad uses bright colors and cartoon characters to get children’s attention. It also promises a toy with every kid’s meal and advertises a jungle gym for kids to play on when they come to the restaurant. If restaurants opened that made healthy food seem exciting and fun to kids, they would definitely be more likely to want to try it or even like it. The advertising of toys that are included in kids’ meals at fast food restaurants is a main reason that young kids want to go to these places. However, there are many other toys for children that are advertised on television everyday, which encourage unhealthy eating habits. Among these are: the Easy Bake Oven, Popcorn Basketball, Smores Stick, Marshmallow Gun, Girls Gourmet Candy Jewel Factory Oven, 1000 Piece Candy Jigsaw, Counting Cookies, Mix and Match Doughnuts, and McDonalds Drive Through Food Cart. (The Toy Zone) All of these toys cause children to associate unhealthy eating with fun, which is a main contributing factor to the issue of childhood obesity. The KidsHealth article makes a great point about how parents need to act as role models and demonstrate to their kids proper serving size, how to enjoy treats in moderation, and exercising regularly. This is so true; bad habits start when the child is very young, and over time they become more difficult to squash. The article mentions some habits that parents should get their kids used to such as: have regular family meals, serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks, be a role model by eating healthy yourself, avoid battles over food, and involve kids in the process. Regular family meals have a huge impact on preventing unhealthy eating habits. If the family makes it their goal to sit down for dinner together even 4 days a week, it would make all the difference. As the article titled Childhood Obesity states, â€Å"children are getting more of their food away from home.†Making family meals a regular part of the routine would prevent the family from turning to the easy option of fast food, or eating out at restaurants where they serve countless courses and portions that are much to big for one sitting. The KidsHealth website also suggests that parents stock up on healthy foods. Having fattening or sugary snacks available for kids to snack on when they’re hungry will only add to the issue. There are plenty of healthy and organic snacks that are really tasty also, and if kids get used to eating them while they’re young, they will never know the difference. Making sure your child has breakfast is also an important factor to a healthy diet, as stated in Childhood Obesity. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and necessary for a healthy metabolism. The article pretty much covers all the issues and solutions that I would like to obesity in children. If I were to add something to it I would say that it is so important that parents are involved in their child’s life. This gets even more important as they grow into teens, so it should start when they are children. Parents should know if the child is having problems in school, trouble making friends, being bullied, etc. All of these issues can contribute to the child turning to food for comfort. Another idea that the article didn’t mention is parents buying their children toys that encourage healthy activity rather than laziness or unhealthy eating. Instead of buying a videogame or and Easy Bake Oven for example, get them things to play their favorite sport with. If the child isn’t into sports, and would rather play video games, encourage active games like Wii Fit or Dance games. Getting involved in the activity is a great way to encourage it. I don’t think that the media has exaggerated the issue of childhood obesity in our society. It is a huge problem and we see it everyday, no matter where we are. The media needs to start promoting less of the unhealthy habits and show more advertisements for healthy eating and games and toys that involve activity. In order to prevent obesity and diseases that are linked to it, parents must encourage and demonstrate healthy eating habits as well as teaching their children to stay active. The prevention must start when the child is young, and remain steady and continuous as they grow.
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